Latest News
Friday 19 July 2024 Lloyd Hatton MP visited our school ! Former Holy Trinity pupil, new Labour Member of Parliament met Fiona Daykin, Headteacher, Seth Why, Chair of Governors and Rev. Juliet Stephenson. He spent time talking to Year 6 and let them know about his journey to becoming an MP.
Friday 21 June 2024 Children have their say in Youth Elections Ahead of the General Elections this year our school set up an opportunity for the pupils to also have their say in the Youth Elections from Our Generation, Our Vote. A 'proper' vote was held when the school hall became a Polling Station, using real polling booths and ballot box so pupils could experience how voting at an election in our country works. The event was organised by teacher Miss Hannah Daykin who stated, "We are passionate about instilling lifelong learning skills that will enable our children to be responsible citizens. The need to know that their voices are heard, valued and that their votes and decisions can and will affect our country's future.
Thursday 6 June 2024 We are proud to remember
Thursday 2 May 2024 Ofsted rated our school as 'Good' Mrs Daykin said, "The report is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff, students, and the wider school community. However, Ofsted is not our day-to-day focus. Our priority will always be to provide the highest quality of care for our children, to instil them with resilience, confidence and a love of learning as they prepare for secondary school and beyond."
Monday 25 March 2024 Easter Garden competition winner
Friday 15 March 2024 We celebrated Red Nose Day!
Monday 11 March 2024 Ofsted will visit our school on 12th & 13th March Guide for parents
Thursday 7 March 2024 The Mayor met our School Council on World Book Day!
Friday 1 March 2024 Funky Hair Friday! Thank you to everyone who supported the School Council fundraising day for Little Princess Trust. There were some amazing hairstyles arriving at school this morning!
Thursday 22 February 2024 World Thinking Day Pupils who are Brownies and Guides wore their uniform to school on World Thinking Day, Thursday 22nd February 2024
Thursday 8 February 2024 Nursery Immersive Art Gallery Nursery held an Immersive Art Gallery to showcase their artwork. Children retold the story from 'The Dot' book and shared immersive art activities with their parents. Parent comments included, "It was really lovely to see the children reciting the story they had been reading and to have some insight into what they've been doing at nursery. So great to have my child show me around and explain their artwork. Also really enjoyed all the sensory activities, nice to be able to do this together with my child. Great event!"
Thursday 8 February 2024 Reception Cinderella Ball Smartly dressed pupils in Reception invited their parents to join them at a very special ball. They paraded into the ball room down the red carpet and then danced together. Everyone was very excited when Prince Charming found Cinderella! Parents comments included, "This was a lovely event, it really seemed as though the children loved it. Was a pleasure to see them enjoying the joint activity and Prince Charming and Cinderella being in attendance was the icing on the cake." "Absolutely fantastic, great to see the children enjoying a drama and for inviting the parents to share their joy."
Friday 24 November 2023 Fire Fighters of the future in training! A huge thank you to White Watch from Weymouth Fire Station at the end of Reception's topic, 'People who help us.'
Friday 17 November 2023 Children in Need day The School Council decided that all pupils should be invited to wear something spotty/yellow to school and give a donation to the charity, Children in Need. The School Council also requested that everyone had the opportunity to enter a competition for a donation to Children in Need. Thank you to everyone who helped us to raise money for this fantastic charity.
Friday 10 November 2023 Remembrance Day All children in school made poppies and took time to remember all those who have died in wars. Members of our School Council sold poppies every morning before the start of school, to raise money for the Royal British Legion.
Tuesday 3 October 2023 Harvest Celebration A huge thank you for all the donations of food brought in for our Harvest Celebration Assembly. All these donations will be given to Weymouth Foodbank. We were excited to be joined by and meet our new vicar, Reverend Juliet.
Thursday 18 May 2023 Amazing Handball Qualifier result After an amazing result at the Year 5 / 6 Handball Qualifier event held at Budmouth, our school team are through to the final! Well done everyone!
Friday 5 May 2023 Coronation Celebrations The whole school gathered together at the end of our day of celebrations to sing the National Anthem and the special songs learnt to celebrate the Coronation of our King.
Friday 31 March 2023 Another huge donation to Weymouth Foodbank Miss Daykin, School Council Leader and Mr Hunt, Caretaker took the huge donation of nearly 600 items of food to Weymouth Foodbank. Volunteers were amazed at the amount donated by families in our school and said, "Isn't it wonderful that the youngest of our society are thinking about others!"
Monday 13 March 2023 Top marks again! We were delighted to be awarded a 5 again following an unannounced inspection by Dorset Council Environmental Team. Well done to Nicola Smith, our cook and her team of Midday Supervisors.
Thursday 23 February 2023 A gift of a tree from the Mayor! The Mayor, Councillor Ann Weaving visited our school and presented a tree to Fiona Daykin, Headteacher and a group of children. A Crab Apple tree was given to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III in 2023.
Wednesday 8 February 2023 Cinderella visited our school Cinderella visited our school to meet our Reception children on the day of their Cinderella Ball.
Tuesday 7 February 2023 Boys Football Team win! Well done to our Boys Football team who won their match against Wyke Regis Primary Federation with a fantastic 5 - 0 win!
Friday 3 February 2023 Girls Football team win! Well done to our Girls Football team who won their match against Wyke Regis Primary Federation, with an amazing a 12-2 result!
Friday 16 December 2022 Last day of term delight Pupils and parents faces lit up when they saw the snow when arriving at school this morning.
Friday 16 December 2022 Message sent to our Walking Bus What a super message to receive. We are very proud of you all, well done!
Friday 2 December 2022 Thank you for such generous donations! Miss Daykin and School Council members with the huge amount of food donated for the Weymouth Foodbank.
Thursday 1 December 2022 David Walliams donated books to us! David Walliams generously donated some of his award-winning books for our library.
Thursday 1 December 2022 Miss Daykin and School Council members were overwhelmed by the amount of food donated today for Weymouth Foodbank.
Thursday 17 November 2022 Councillor Ann Weaving, Mayor of Weymouth visited our school The Worshipful the Mayor of Weymouth, Councillor Ann Weaving visited our school and met our School Council. She told pupils she 'Loves being Mayor!' and that her favourite part of being Mayor is meeting everyone.