Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School & Community Nursery

Ofsted & SIAMS


Our most recent Ofsted inspection was carried out in June 2018, and the school was rated as a Good school.

The inspection acknowledged many of the school’s strengths:

  • Leaders work with determination and drive to ensure that pupils’ achievement is improving across the school. Leaders have created a positive climate for learning.
  • Leaders regularly evaluate what works well within the school so that the pupils at Holy Trinity develop into confident, secure and happy young learners.
  • Leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils make good progress. Teachers are quick to identify pupils requiring extra support and plan well to meet their needs.
  • Subject leaders are knowledgeable and support their colleagues extremely well. Their plans for improvement and their work with teachers have a positive impact on pupils’ achievement, particularly in mathematics
  • Leaders, including governors, spend additional funding well. This contributes effectively to the well-being of pupils and is ensuring that gaps in attainment and progress between different groups of pupils are closing.
  • Staff provide good support for pupils’ personal development and welfare. Pupils’ behaviour and conduct are good across the school.
  • Teachers’ expectations of pupils are high. Pupils show a pride in their work. A strong sense of values and respect runs throughout all aspects of school life.

The full inspection report is available to download.


Parents are invited to provide feedback on the work of the school via the ParentView website.

This short survey provides an opportunity to give responses to twelve questions about the work of the school. Responses can be submitted at:


Our most recent SIAMS inspection was carried out in March 2017, and the school was rated as a Good school.

The inspection acknowledged many of the school’s strengths:

  • Christian values make a strong contribution to the school’s distinctive Christian ethos and are increasingly making an impact on outcomes in the children’s learning.
  • Collective worship has a significant impact on the children’s understanding of Bible stories and how they can be used to guide their actions.
  • The commitment of the leaders and managers, including governors, in promoting the Christian ethos ensures that it has made good progress since the previous inspection.

The full inspection report is available to download.