Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School & Community Nursery

Nursery – 3 & 4 year olds

Our calm, well-resourced Nursery setting allows our three and four year olds to continue to develop their Prime and Specific areas of learning through further emphasis on the Characteristics of Effective Learning: Play and Exploration; Active Learning; Creating and Thinking Critically.

Our high quality provision includes a balance of structured, adult-led sessions, such as singing songs, listening to stories and learning tasks as well as child initiated free flow play both indoors and in our large outdoor area.

All 3 / 4 year olds are eligible for 15 hours free childcare funding which can be used towards the cost of nursery places. Some families are eligible for 30 hour free childcare funding if/depending on:

  • You are working
  • How much you earn
  • Your child’s circumstances
  • Your nationality

To check if you are eligible please apply at: https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/children-families/childcare/childcare-funding/30-hours-free-childcare-for-3-and-4-year-olds.aspx

Additional session costs for 3 / 4 year olds are:

  • £1.35 early start (8.30am to 8.45am)
  • £16.20 per morning session (8.45am - 11.45am) or afternoon session (12.15pm - 3.15pm)
  • £2.80 per lunchtime session (11.45am-12.15pm)
  • £35.20 per full-day session (8.45am - 3.15pm)

Payment should be made in advance using your child’s individual school online Scopay account. Nursery reserves the right to allow your child to attend any paid nursery session where there are fees outstanding and will take appropriate action.